Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jonah Turns 4

Jonah turned four years old on July 17th, so this past weekend we threw him a party at the gymnastics center that he loves to go to. I can't blame him with all of the trampolines and foam block pits and things to swing on. Its a hyper active kids dream, and even the adults enjoyed bouncing around, except for the fact that it was 109 degrees that day and even with the airconditioners and swamp cooler on we were all sweating like crazy. But it was a nice stress-free birthday for me at least, which was my main goal since we invited about 15 kids and I was not excited about the prospect of having that many kids running around my house for a couple of hours. Well worth it.


Mommy Madness said...

Sorry we missed it. It sounds like you had TONS of fun, though! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JONAH!!

Amy Teitter said...

:( I hate that I missed it! Wish you guys were coming home next week! Give Jonah a hug and kiss from Aunt Amy.